Demyan has received the NSF CAREER Award, a 5-year research grant which “supports early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.”

This award is a reflection of the tireless work from current and former group members in developing so many cool molecules and reactions. We are incredibly excited to see where the science takes us. Onwards and upwards!!

New DOE Funding

The Prokopchuk Lab will receive a three-year US Department of Energy research grant to continue its research into “supercharged” organometallic redox agents! This program will build on results published in 2022 and 2024. Congrats to Ageliki and Viani for laying the groundwork in this exciting area of chemistry!!


New Paper in Organometallics

In a tour de force of experimental and mechanistic work, we describe the multisite chemical noninniocence of the CpN3 ligand with hydride donors. Different hydride reagents yield different products, and the reaction mechanisms were thoroughly investigated by DFT and experimental methods. Congrats Andy and Hagen! Read more here.

New paper in JACS

We have set new standard in organometallic redox chemistry by isolating and characterizing one of the strongest reducing agents in existence: a Mn(-I) dianion stabilized by borate-bridged dicarbene and three CO ligands. This “super spicy” reagent exhibits beautiful redox waves via cyclic voltammetry and can smoothly transfer electrons to organic, inorganic, and organometallic substrates. Congrats Ageliki! Read more here.

Welcome Summer Undergrads!

This Summer, the Prokopchuk will host three undergraduate student researchers. Allison (left) and Amado (middle) join us from Amherst College, funded by the Meikljohn Fellowship program. Shenelle (right) is from Rutgers-Newark and funded by the GS-LSAMP fellowship program. Welcome!